Communication Strategies

For the better part of every day, we are communicating to and with others. Whether it"s the speech you deliver in the boardroom, the level of attention you give your spouse when they are talking to you, or the look you give the cat, it all means something.

The Communication Strategies workshop will help participants understand the different methods of communication and how to make the most of each of them. These strategies will provide a great benefit for any organization and its employees. They will trickle down throughout the organization and positively impact everyone involved.

12 Modules

1. Getting Stated

  • Housekeeping
  • Training Objectives
  • The Parking Lot
  • Action Plan

2. The Big Picture

  • What is Communication

  • How Do We Communicate?

  • Other Factors in Communication

3. Understanding Communication Barriers

  • An Overview of Common Barrier

  • Language Barriers

  • Cultural Barriers

  • Differences in Time and Place

4. Paraverbal Communication Skills

  • The Power of Pitch

  • The Truth about Tone

  • The Strength of Speed

5. Non-Verbal Communication

  • Understanding the Mehrabian Study

  • All About Body Language

  • Interpreting Gestures

6. Speaking Like a STAR

  • S = Situation

  • T = Task

  • A = Action

  • R = Result

  • Summary

7. Listening Skills

  • Seven Ways to Listen Better Today

  • Understanding Active Listening

  • Sending Good Signals to Others

8. Asking Good Questions

  • Open Questions

  • Closed Questions

  • Probing Questions

9. Appreciative Inquiry

  • The Purpose of AI

  • The Four Stages

  • Examples and Case Studies

10. Mastering the Art of Conversation

  • Level One: Discussing General Topics

  • Level Two: Sharing Ideas and Perspectives

  • Level Three: Sharing Personal Experiences

  • Our Top Networking Tips

11. Advanced Communication Skills

  • Understanding Precipitating Factors

  • Establishing Common Ground

  • Using "I" Messages

12. Wrapping Up

  • Wise Words
  • Parking Lot Review
  • Lessons Learned
  • Recommended Reading
  • Complete Action Plans & Evaluations
Andrea Callahan, principal brand manager and trainer

Andrea Callahan

Brand manager & lead trainer

Training is important to success because it prepares you to find, attract, and obtain success.

Get out front, take the lead with brave, bold, brilliant, self-confidence.

Andrea Callahan training for personal and professional development training

We offer resources for every training & workshop!

What Makes Our Courses So Great

Training Manual

A corresponding workbook to outline and streamline the course, to help you quickly access the information you need.

Varied Delivery

Creative activities and exercises are built into the course to help you interact with the content and deepen the learning.

Blended Learning

Live webinars, video series, email and SMS (text) support, podcast, quizzes, tests and journals to help document your journey.

Community Support

Access to a private members area to connect, mastermind, and network with others in the field or studying the same course.

Private Membership

It's transformation time. It's time to change the way you feel. Influence the way you experience and show up in the world.

Be authentic. Be heard. Be seen. It's your time. You are worthy.

As well as getting access to a vault. of  resources, each month we focus on a targeted experience for your personal growth, and provide you with a selection of resources inside our private learning portal to support your evolution.


Access to private members area is included with your purchase - TODAY ONLY!


Got Questions?

Here's Answers...

Do you offer training for different types of learners

Our intention is to find the right balance of diverse and compelling lessons through thoughtful visuals and creative graphics. Ultimately, our goal is providing consistent quality of each course, student materials, and exams.

Is this Corporate Training?

Our trainings are created specifically for individuals who are striving for personal achievement and professional success. If those personal brands happen to work within a corporate structure, then the answer is yes!

How long does it take to get started?

As soon as you complete the form, you will automatically receive a questionnaire that helps our team get to know your brand. Set aside about 15-minutes or so to complete. Once you submit the form, you will be directed to a scheduling page to meet with a brand manager who will help you create a training plan. Short answer...right away!

Can I take the training online or in person?

Either or both. It's your plan, your schedule, your choice.

It's been a long time since I've been in school, will this be hard?

At the ACI agency, we focus on adult learners. We often work with dreamers who are launching brands but may not have the soft-skills to implement the plan to achieve their goals. We understand, business owners hire adults with varied backgrounds and experiences so we custom-tailor training plans to meet people where they are and from a strengths perspective. We lend support as much or as little as needed.

What's the difference between employee training and development?

Good question! Training and development are two sides of the same coin.

Employee development is the overall process an employer provides to employees to help them gradually improve skills, acquire new knowledge, and progress in their careers.

Employee training is a program designed to develop and improve technical and soft skills and overall knowledge to do a specific job in a more efficient, successful, or safer manner.

Our employee development plan is like the architect while the employee training is like the contractor that implements the plan.

In keeping with that same analogy,

An architect will design a building and, with input from the client, decide what the overall building will look like when it is done: How many stories will it be? Will it have a foyer? Where will the stairs be? Will there be columns facing the street?

A contractor, on the other hand, is much more interested in the concrete details: What supports are needed under the flooring? What bolts are needed to secure the stairs? When do we mix the concrete for the columns? How do we guarantee that the building is built to code?

Development, then, is working with your employees to be an architect for their careers. Training provides the “concrete details” in the form of skills and knowledge needed to support each step.

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