Time Management with Andrea Callahan

Time Management

Time ManagementPersonal time management skills are essential for professional success in any workplace. Those able to successfully implement time management strategies are able to control their workload rather than spend
10 Soft Skills You Need with Andrea Callahan

10 Soft Skills You Need

Soft SkillsThe meaning of Soft Skills can sometimes be difficult to describe. It can be that unique attribute or characteristic that facilitates great communication. It can be the special way
Taking Initiative with Andrea Callahan

Taking Initiative

Taking InitiativeTaking the initiative is a crucial step in moving forward in our professional and personal lives. By showing initiative, it reflects us in a positive light to others as
Stress Management with Andrea Callahan

Stress Management

Stress ManagementPositive and negative stress is a constant influence on all of our lives. The trick is to maximize the positive stress and to minimize the negative stress. Participants will
Social Intelligence with Andrea Callahan

Social Intelligence

Social IntelligenceSocial Intelligence is about understanding your environment and having a positive influence. Participants will become more confident in their social situations by learning how to express and interpret social
Social Media Marketing with Andrea Callahan

Social Media Marketing

Social Media MarketingSocial media is a staple of modern life. It is so enmeshed in the way we communicate that companies have little choice but to engage social media as
Self-leadership with Andrea Callahan

Self Leadership

Self-LeadershipAs we grow, we learn to become leaders. Being a leader is natural for some, and learned for others. No matter how we have become a leader, it is important
Public Speaking with Andrea Callahan

Public Speaking

Public SpeakingAccording to a 1973 survey by the Sunday Times of London, 41% of people list public speaking as their biggest fear. Forget small spaces, darkness, and spiders, standing up
Prospecting and lead generation by Andrea Callahan

Prospecting and Lead Generation

Prospecting LeadsProspecting and lead generation is the method of making links which may lead to a sale or other promising result. The leads may come from various sources or undertakings,
Personal Productivity with Andrea Callahan

Personal Productivity

Personal ProductivityMost people find that they wish they had more time in a day. This workshop will show participants how to organize their lives and find those hidden moments. Participants